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Rabu, 07 Januari 2009


Care Patients Halusinasi

At this stage, nurses excavate the factors that have under this are:
A. Predisposisi factors.
Is the risk factors that affect the type and number of sources that can be raised by the individual to overcome the stress. Retrieved from either the patient or his family, the social development of the cultural factor, biochemistry, psychological and genetic risk factor that is affecting the types and number of sources that can be raised by the individual to overcome the stress.
The development of factors
If the task and the obstacles to the development of interpersonal relationship will be subject to the individual experiencing stress and fear.
Factors Sosiokultural
Various factors could cause in the community feel removed by a lonely place on the environment in the client exaggerated.
Factors Biokimia
Have any influence on the occurrence of mental disturbance. With the stress experienced excessive then someone will be produced in the body of a substance that can be halusinogenik neurokimia as Buffofenon and Dimetytranferase (DMP).
Psychological factors
Interpersonal relationships are not harmonious and the dual role of the other and often received by the children will lead to stress and worries that high-end and interference with the reality orientation.
Genetic factors
Gen what in effect skizoprenia not known, but research shows that family factors indicate that the relationship is very influential in this disease.
b. Factors Presipitasi
That is the stimulus dipersepsikan by individuals as a challenge, threat / demand that requires extra energy to koping. There is a stimulative environment that is often a client such as participation in the group, be too long of communication, objects that have dilingkungan also quiet atmosphere / isolation is often the spark of a halusinasi because it can increase stress and fear that removing the substances stimulate the body halusinogenik.
c. Behavior
Halusinasi response to the client can be a skeptic, fear, feeling insecure, nervous and confused, self-destructive behavior, lack of attention, not able to take decisions and can not distinguish the real and not real. According to Rawlins and Heacock, 1993 trying to solve the problem halusinasi based on the existence of the substance as an individual mahkluk built on the basis of elements of bio-psiko-socio-spiritual halusinasi so that it can be seen from the dimensions of which are:
1. Physical Dimensions
Human senses, built by the system to respond to external excitative given by the environment. Halusinasi can be caused by several conditions, such as physical exhaustion of extremes, use of drugs, up to a fever delirium, intoksikasi alcohol and difficulty in sleeping for a long time.
2. Dimensions Emosional
Feeling anxious over on the basis of problem that can not be a cause of halusinasi it happen. The contents of halusinasi can be a force command and frightening. No longer a client against the order until the condition of the client something to fear.
3. Intellectual Dimensions
In this intellectual dimension explains that individuals with halusinasi will show a decrease in the ego. Initially halusinasi ego is a business of their own to fight the impulse to press, but it is a matter that raises awareness that you can take all the attention of clients and rarely will not control the behavior of all clients.
4. Social Dimensions
On the social dimensions of the individual with halusinasi shows the tendency to offer. Halusinasinya preoccupied with the individual, as if he is to meet the needs of social interaction, self-control and self esteem that is not found in the real world. Contents halusinasi control system made by the individual, so if halusinasi the form of threats, themselves or other people tend to the individual. Therefore, the important aspect in implementing nursing intervention with the client to seek a process of interaction that lead to a satisfying experience interpersonal, and mengusakan client alone, so the client does not always interact with their environment and halusinasi does not take place.
5. Spiritual Dimensions
God created human beings as social beings, so that interaction with other human beings is a fundamental requirement. At the individual alone is likely not over until the process happens, the individual is not aware of the existence and become halusinasi control systems in the individual. Halusinasi himself when the individual lost control of himself.

d. Source Koping
An evaluation of the options and strategies koping someone. Individuals can overcome stress and anxietas with the source koping dilingkungan. Koping as a source of capital to solve the problem, support the social and cultural confidence, someone can help integrate the experience that cause stress and adopted a strategy koping successful.
a.Mekanisme Koping
Every effort is directed towards the implementation of stress, including efforts to problem solving and direct defense mechanism that is used to protect themselves.

Selasa, 06 Januari 2009


Care Patient Halusinasi

Caring for patients halusinasi way with the ways:
a. Creating a therapeutic environment
To reduce the level of fear, panic and fear caused halusinasi patient, at the beginning of the approach should do in the individual and try to be eye contact occurs, if the patient can be in touch or hold. Patients do not in isolation either physically or emotionally. Each nurse into a room or near the patient, talk with the patient. So also will be leaving when the patient should inform. Patients in the action that will be let in to do.
In the room that should provide the facilities that can stimulate awareness and encourage patients to relate to reality, for example hour wall, a picture or wall decoration, magazines and games.
b. Conducting therapy program doctor
Often patients who refuse medication in relation to the stimulus provided halusinasi the receipt. The approach should be persuatif but instruktif. Nurses must observe in order to provide the drugs at the right food, and the reaction of the drug given.
c. Search for problems and help patients overcome problems
After the patient more cooperative and communicative, nurses, patients can dig a problem which is the cause of the emergence halusinasi and help overcome the problems. Collection of this data can also find the family through the patient or others close to the patient.
d. Giving the patient activity
Patients in the call for doing physical movement, such as berolah sport, play or do activities. This activity can help direct the patient to real life and foster relationships with other people. Patients get up in the schedule of activities and choose the appropriate activities.
e. Involving the family and other officers in the process of treatment
Family of other patients and should inform the patient about the data in order to have unity and continuity in the process of nursing, misalny from conversations with patients in the know when it alone often hear of men who taunt. But if there are other people in the neighborhood voices are not heard clearly. Nurses suggested that patients should not be alone, and busy myself in the game or activity that exists. This conversation should inform the patient and the family petugaslain not to let the patient alone and suggestions on the contrary does not provide.

Senin, 05 Januari 2009


Care Patients Halusinasi

Patients with halusinasi tend to retire, often get to sit in with the view of eyes glued on one particular direction, smiling or speaking their own, are suddenly angry or attack other people, anxiety, making the movement as being something to enjoy. Also, the patient's own description of the natural halusinasi (what is viewed, in the feel or hear).

Minggu, 04 Januari 2009


Care Patients Halusinasi

Psikopatologi from halusinasi that has not been known. Many of the proposed theory that emphasizes the importance of factors psikologik, fisiologik and others. Some say that the security situation in the normal brain dibombardir by the flow of the stimulus coming from the body or from outside the body. If the input is impaired or not there at all as we encountered in normal circumstances or patologis, the material is in the preconscious can unconsicisus or released in the form of halusinasi.
Other opinions say that halusinasi started with the desire that direpresi to unconsicious and then because of the personality is damaged and the damage to the power rate reality desire earlier projected out in the form of stimulus eksterna.

Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009


Care Patients halusinasi

According to Mary Thomas Durant (1991), Halusinasi can happen to a client with mental disturbances such as skizoprenia, depression, delirium or circumstances, demensia and conditions related to the use of alcohol and other substances. Halusinasi can also occur with epilepsy, the condition of systemic infection with the interference metabolik. Halusinasi can also be experienced as side effects from the various treatment
include anti-depression, anti kolinergik, anti inflamasi and antibiotics, and drugs halusinogenik can make it happen halusinasi the same as the above drugs. Halusinasi can also occur when the individual that is normal on individuals who have experienced isolation, sensorik changes such as blindness, hearing, or the lack of discussion on the issue. The cause halusinasi hearing specifically is not known but many of the factors mempengaruhinya factors such as biological, psychological, social, cultural, and stressor pencetusnya is stressful environment, biological, triggered the problem koping resources and mechanisms koping.

Jumat, 02 Januari 2009


Care Patients Halusinasi

Halusinasi classification as follows:
a.Halusinasi hear (acoustic, auditorik), the patients and their voice heard, mocking, ridicule, or threatening when there is no noise.
b.Halusinasi see (visual), the patient's view of the people, animals or things that do not exist.
c.Halusinasi odor / hirup (olfaktori). Halusinasi this rarely get at. Patients who have experienced the smell bauan-odor smell like flowers, incense smell, the smell dead bodies, that is not the source.
d.Halusinasi soy sauce (gustatorik). Usually occur simultaneously with the smell halusinasi / hirup. Patients feel that (stamp) a sense in the mouth.
e.Halusinasi singgungan (taktil, kinaestatik). Individuals who feel there is someone with a finger or striking. If this is a provocation rabaab sexual halusinasi is called halusinasi heptik.

Kamis, 01 Januari 2009


Care Patients Halusinasi
Halusinasi interference is a perception senses without the stimulus from outside the system can cover all the senses in which occurs when the full awareness that the individual / good.
Halusinasi is the most common form of interference from the perception. Halusinasi this form can be a voice-vote a noisy, but the most common form of words arranged in the form of a sentence rather perfect. Usually the earlier discussed the situation on the patient or sad that the patient is addressed. As a result, patients may be at variance with the sound or speech halusinasi it. Patients can also be seen as in the hearing or speech-hard hard as he said when someone questions or lips sway. Sometimes the patients come from every halusinasi body or outside the body. Halusinasi this sometimes fun is back for example, threats, and others.
According to May Thomas Durant (1991) halusinasi in general can be found in the patient's mental disturbances such as: Skizoprenia, Depression, Delirium and conditions related to the use of alcohol and substance of the environment. Based on the results of the mental patients at home found 85% patients with halusinasi cases. So that the author was interested to write the case with the provision of care from the start of up to evaluation.