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Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009


Care Patients halusinasi

According to Mary Thomas Durant (1991), Halusinasi can happen to a client with mental disturbances such as skizoprenia, depression, delirium or circumstances, demensia and conditions related to the use of alcohol and other substances. Halusinasi can also occur with epilepsy, the condition of systemic infection with the interference metabolik. Halusinasi can also be experienced as side effects from the various treatment
include anti-depression, anti kolinergik, anti inflamasi and antibiotics, and drugs halusinogenik can make it happen halusinasi the same as the above drugs. Halusinasi can also occur when the individual that is normal on individuals who have experienced isolation, sensorik changes such as blindness, hearing, or the lack of discussion on the issue. The cause halusinasi hearing specifically is not known but many of the factors mempengaruhinya factors such as biological, psychological, social, cultural, and stressor pencetusnya is stressful environment, biological, triggered the problem koping resources and mechanisms koping.

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