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Rabu, 07 Januari 2009


Care Patients Halusinasi

At this stage, nurses excavate the factors that have under this are:
A. Predisposisi factors.
Is the risk factors that affect the type and number of sources that can be raised by the individual to overcome the stress. Retrieved from either the patient or his family, the social development of the cultural factor, biochemistry, psychological and genetic risk factor that is affecting the types and number of sources that can be raised by the individual to overcome the stress.
The development of factors
If the task and the obstacles to the development of interpersonal relationship will be subject to the individual experiencing stress and fear.
Factors Sosiokultural
Various factors could cause in the community feel removed by a lonely place on the environment in the client exaggerated.
Factors Biokimia
Have any influence on the occurrence of mental disturbance. With the stress experienced excessive then someone will be produced in the body of a substance that can be halusinogenik neurokimia as Buffofenon and Dimetytranferase (DMP).
Psychological factors
Interpersonal relationships are not harmonious and the dual role of the other and often received by the children will lead to stress and worries that high-end and interference with the reality orientation.
Genetic factors
Gen what in effect skizoprenia not known, but research shows that family factors indicate that the relationship is very influential in this disease.
b. Factors Presipitasi
That is the stimulus dipersepsikan by individuals as a challenge, threat / demand that requires extra energy to koping. There is a stimulative environment that is often a client such as participation in the group, be too long of communication, objects that have dilingkungan also quiet atmosphere / isolation is often the spark of a halusinasi because it can increase stress and fear that removing the substances stimulate the body halusinogenik.
c. Behavior
Halusinasi response to the client can be a skeptic, fear, feeling insecure, nervous and confused, self-destructive behavior, lack of attention, not able to take decisions and can not distinguish the real and not real. According to Rawlins and Heacock, 1993 trying to solve the problem halusinasi based on the existence of the substance as an individual mahkluk built on the basis of elements of bio-psiko-socio-spiritual halusinasi so that it can be seen from the dimensions of which are:
1. Physical Dimensions
Human senses, built by the system to respond to external excitative given by the environment. Halusinasi can be caused by several conditions, such as physical exhaustion of extremes, use of drugs, up to a fever delirium, intoksikasi alcohol and difficulty in sleeping for a long time.
2. Dimensions Emosional
Feeling anxious over on the basis of problem that can not be a cause of halusinasi it happen. The contents of halusinasi can be a force command and frightening. No longer a client against the order until the condition of the client something to fear.
3. Intellectual Dimensions
In this intellectual dimension explains that individuals with halusinasi will show a decrease in the ego. Initially halusinasi ego is a business of their own to fight the impulse to press, but it is a matter that raises awareness that you can take all the attention of clients and rarely will not control the behavior of all clients.
4. Social Dimensions
On the social dimensions of the individual with halusinasi shows the tendency to offer. Halusinasinya preoccupied with the individual, as if he is to meet the needs of social interaction, self-control and self esteem that is not found in the real world. Contents halusinasi control system made by the individual, so if halusinasi the form of threats, themselves or other people tend to the individual. Therefore, the important aspect in implementing nursing intervention with the client to seek a process of interaction that lead to a satisfying experience interpersonal, and mengusakan client alone, so the client does not always interact with their environment and halusinasi does not take place.
5. Spiritual Dimensions
God created human beings as social beings, so that interaction with other human beings is a fundamental requirement. At the individual alone is likely not over until the process happens, the individual is not aware of the existence and become halusinasi control systems in the individual. Halusinasi himself when the individual lost control of himself.

d. Source Koping
An evaluation of the options and strategies koping someone. Individuals can overcome stress and anxietas with the source koping dilingkungan. Koping as a source of capital to solve the problem, support the social and cultural confidence, someone can help integrate the experience that cause stress and adopted a strategy koping successful.
a.Mekanisme Koping
Every effort is directed towards the implementation of stress, including efforts to problem solving and direct defense mechanism that is used to protect themselves.

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